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Hi! This is a casual little space where I try to make myself a resource to those who want: portfolio reviews, questions about breaking into the industry, insight, or even just to talk about anything!

For background on who I am, my name is Sarah and I'm a Corean motion designer and illustrator based in LA, Tongva Land! If studios/experience is something you hope to hear about, I currently art direct for Womp, a 3d modeling platform aimed to make 3d accessible/easy for all, and I also freelance—past work including clients like Snapchat, Robinhood, Android, NPR, The Verge, Meta, etc...

As a graduate from a design school, I recognize the role of these institutions in upholding a gatekept privilege drawing the distinction between “amateur” and “professional”. As capitalism continues to enclose in privitizing education, I want to host these small free, informal talks to share resources, experiences and stories, and hopefully (!) encourage more discussions amongst motion designers to organize collectively, and to dismantle the idea that design is divided! 

For this reason, I ask that these sessions prioritize POC and/or those who are not currently pursuing or have graduated with a degree within the last two years.

If you are currently a student or don’t fit these requirements, feel free to sign up too! But please consider donating some funds to purchase an E-Sim for Gaza or to a local mutual aid JTAS, KTFA, CCED, PFA.

Available 30 minute slots run at one session per day, every Tuesday from 9-5 PST.

Sessions are held remotely through Google Meets, but as fast internet access and availability with time is also a privilege—alternative options are available to those who need, just let me know a note as you book your meeting and we can figure something out!

My email is if you have any questions!

List of Open, Free Resources and Spaces:

curated list of free(ish) resources for the design(ish) world, curated by Lizzie Callen

After Hours Animation
 a virtual community space for the
experimental and animation community

Quickdraw Animation Society
member driven not-for-profit that fosters a creative community through resources and opportunities that further animation arts and culture

*feel free to email me to lmk about more links I can add here!

one of my favorite games, Rocket Slime
my cat, Jjangu, 짱구

2024, All Rights Reserved
Art may not be used for AI/ML training